German reunification music
“Freedom – is the only thing that counts” – Marius Müller-Westernhagen
1989 – a year of change for all Germans – not matter if you were from East or West. Many songs are connected to the fall of the wall. The Scorpions sang “Wind of Change”, Pink Floyed took “another brick in the wall” off the shelf and David Hasselhoff even claims some fame for his song “looking for freedom” playing a big part in the reunification. The song that I connect to November 1989 is “Freiheit” – freedom – from Marius-Müller Westernhagen.
When he wrote the song 3 years earlier, he was not thinking about the possibility of a re-united Germany. This song became one of the hymns of German reunification. For me it brings it to the point: At the end of the day – Freedom is the highest good and the only thing that counts … at least for me.
What song do you connect to the German reunification?
If you like to read some stories of people whose lives changes tremendously on this day, have a look at the interviews with 3 Ossis and 1 Wessi, Katja and Doreen.