A rule is a rule is a rule
Germans love rules. Not that they necessarily follow them – but at least you know what you should do – in case you would wonder, what you should do.
Here are few examples:
Rule number one: Parking in the opposite direction of the street is not allowed. This rule I would suggest to follow – otherwise there is very friendly men and women putting little notes on your car – and that normally includes paying a fine.
Rule number two: No drunk cycling. I mean obvious drunk cycling. Might cost you not only a fine but also your driving licence.
Rule number three: No drilling or handwashing your car on Sundays. Hello! Consider your neighbors who would like to relax … and if you do need to urgently drill a hole bring some wine or cake to your neighbors or at least tell them. Most people will be fine. By the way… this apparently also applies on other days between noon and 3 pm…. I have just learned.
Rule number four: Calling a state official a bad name is expensive. Out of good reason – including something with Hitler in it is even more expensive. So if you feel a need for expressing your feelings to a state official stick to idiot and it should be affordable (legal note: I do not take any guarantee for the the non-fining of “idiot”)
Rule number five: Everything is forbidden – apart from that, do what you like.
Rule number seven to three hundred : The German grammar. How many rules can one little language have? The German one has many. And whoever has tried to learn German will know what I am talking about….
Dear German fellows – any really important rule you think would be good to share?
Dear non-German readers – Any rule that is important to know about your culture?
Hmm, so no sechs for Germans, huh?
Well spotted Rana … Hey there world must have missed out on numbering correctly … or maybe I just wanted to not obey – who made that rule by the way that after 5 comes 6?!?
Here’s number 6: failing to make eye contact at the moment your glasses clink (“Prost”) will cause you seven years’ bad sex.
oh yes Iris, I have totally forgotten about that! So for everybody out there – if you think it is strange, that people stare each other in the eye when they clink their glasses, now you know why!