Christmas shopping in the US
You love shopping and making some bargains? – Well, maybe Black Friday is something for you then.
The official christmas shopping season in the US starts on the day after Thanksgiving (the 4th Thursday every November) and is called Black Friday.
This day requires planning: people read flyers, save coupons and spend hours investigating, which deals they want to score.
Some Black Friday sales start at midnight just after Thanksgiving – meaning that people shop all night. And in order to make sure they get the best spot – some even camp in front of the shop for 1$ towels or to save 25$ on an Xbox.
What happens on Black Friday you can see in the little video:
That’s what I call christmas spirit! Are you tempted to join a Black Friday event next year?
Crazy crazy Americans! this year I could see that more shops in Spain where doing this, but the discounts were a bit low… however it came handy for Xmas shopping (the only bad thing is that I had bought the same 2 days before without the discount, so now I have 2 of the same, and a bit of trouble exchanging gifts… but worth the saving
So it really has already spread around the world…. crazy! I hope you find a good solution to use the second one of what you bought.
OMG….I´m laughing my ass off
Isn’t is amazing what people do … I wonder how they behave underneath the Christmas tree.