Hey there world featuring … Germany
Germany – land of mountains and water, Goethe and Schiller, East and West, history and Gemütlichkeit.
This month Hey there world features Germany.
Since I am originally German, this is the culture I probably know most about. Nevertheless, I have to say – during the time of investigation and writing I have realized that there are so many things you never consider which truly reflect the German culture and I am going to try to introduce you to some of them.
So much to say about Germany and so little time – so let´s get going.
Official name: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) since May 23rd, 1949
Political system: federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic
Capital: Berlin since 1990
States: 16 states (Bundesländer) with each having its own state constitution
Size: around 360 000 square kilometers
Population: around 81 million
Language: German (+ very many different German dialects)
Currency: Euro
Anthem: Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit (“Unity and Justice and Freedom”) – one part of “Das Lied der Deutschen”
Famous Germans:
Classical music: Beethoven, Wagner, Richard Strauss, Brahms
Poetry and Literature: Goethe, Schiller, Fontane, Heine, Mann, Hesse, Brecht, Kästner
Philosophers: Schopenhauer, Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche
Inventions: Did you know that these are all from Germans:
Some more stuff about Germany:
– Apart from Russia, Germany is the country in Europe with the highest population
– Beer…. after the Czech, Germans come second in the highest consumption of beer in the world
– around 7,5 million Germans are non-German descent (first and second generation)
– Although rumors say it is not … Haribo is a German brand (it is the abbreviation for Harald Riegel Bonn)
– Angela Merkel was the first woman becoming chancellor
– Germany has over 300 different kinds of bread
Well – that´s a little introduction to Germany.
Anything you did´t know or what surprises you? Share in the comments!
Hmmmmm Deutscher brot… So nice and delicious every time I think about it. I still remember when my friend Jörg took me to the Haribo outlet store in Bonn… Went crazy buying candy!
Fully agree Mercedes. One of my favorite German dishes is German bread … and Haribo definitely is always worth a visit
Maybe you will get some more inspiration during this month on more German things to try.